
A person seeking to be admitted to a degree or certificate program at 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 and obtain an F-1 visa. F-1 Visa students are not permitted to work off-campus while they are enrolled in school, 除非他们符合美国法律规定的特殊情况.S. 公民及移民事务.

除了完成国际学生申请, 你必须提交与申请有关的所有文件. Admissions representatives help international students obtain their I-20 (form) so they can apply for an F-1 Student Visa. Students must submit an online application for admission as well as all supplementary material in order to receive their acceptance letter and I-20 (form).


Application deadlines for international student admissions are as follows:


  • 七月一日为秋季(九月)学期
  • 11月1日为春季(一月)学期


  • 8月1日为秋季(9月)学期
  • 12月1日为春季(一月)学期

All application requirements must be submitted by the application deadline


Students must take the following steps to complete their admissions application:

  1. 完成 在线申请.
  2. 提交经公证的 生活费用表格 & 学杂费表格.
  3. Submit a notarized, English translation of your high school transcript. The transcript must be an original document and must include the graduation date. 如适用,请附上正式的大学成绩单. College transcripts must be notarized, English translated, and presented in a sealed envelope.
  4. 如果你所在国家的主要语言不是英语, 请提交托福(英语作为外语考试)成绩. 十大彩票平台 requires a score of 80 or higher on the internet-based (IBT) or 525 or higher on the paper-based test (PBT).
  5. 如果你目前在美国.S. 并寻求将您目前的签证状态更改为F-1签证状态, or if you are transferring from another college as an F-1 visa holder, 您必须提交有效护照和当前签证的复印件. 转学生还必须提交 学生转学表格.
  6. Students must submit documentation indicating that they have enough funds to attend 十大彩票平台 for one academic year (or two semesters) as outlined below:
Expense Cost
Tuition & Fees $15,586(每学期12学分加上截至2024年2月21日的保险)
生活费用 签证每人$10,000 *
Books & Supplies $1,200
总费用 $26,786

*如果您是为一个或多个家属申请签证, 再加10美元,每人000英镑被加到总费用中. You must provide acceptable documentation to prove your ability to meet these additional expenses. 您还必须完成 相关的形式 对于每个各自的依赖.

We will accept the following documentation as evidence of sufficient funds:

  • An official signed bank letter indicating total available funds (no older than 3 months).
  • An official bank statement showing the total balance of available funds (no older than 3 months).
  • A bank letter indicating liquid funds in your sponsor’s possession (no older than 3 months).


Applicants with a high school transcript in a language other than English must submit a certified translation of their transcript. The translated document must clearly indicate that the student completed the equivalent of secondary school education, 如果可能的话, 每个科目都应进行等级评估.

Applicants who attended college outside of the United States must have their transcripts translated into English and evaluated for grading equivalency. 评估应包括课程名称, 完成学分/学时, 以及每门课程的字母成绩. 没有评估不能授予转学分.

A credit translation and/or evaluation must be performed by a certified evaluation service. Commonly used certified services for educational evaluation and translation in the United States include:

Service Website Phone
北美教育集团(NAEG) naeg.org 1-888-539-2804
教育文献中心(CED) cedevaluations.com 1-617-338-7171
世界教育服务(WED) wes.org 1-212-966-6311
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Translation Center (translation services only) umasstranslation.com 1-413-545-2203

The applicant is responsible for any fees associated with evaluation or translation services. It is highly recommended that one of the four listed services are used to ensure proper document evaluation and translation.

Please know that all documents submitted to 十大彩票平台 that relate to admissions or transfer credits become property of the College and will not be returned.


If you have questions regarding the international application process, 请联系国际学生顾问, 迈克尔·罗西, mrossi@yogaintheusa.com, 413-755-4412.